True Gospel Ministries, Inc. Plantation, FL

Weekly podcast featuring God’s

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Monday Mar 07, 2016

Monday Mar 07, 2016

Today's message is a real eye opener about the importance of seeing rhemas movement. When we lose sight of what God is doing in our lives we lose the ability of hearing.  If we lose hearing, seeing will be next to impossible.  Your going to need this one to maintain your momentum. NOW GO GET IT!!!

Monday Feb 29, 2016

Today's message is another tune up and preventative maintenance that we need. It will really empower you in the truth about the mystery of the Kingdom of God. Get ready for yet more equipping. NOW GO GET IT !!!

Friday Feb 26, 2016

This message is for fine tuning.  We are still learning how to see rhemas movement, and this message is going to fully adjust your spiritual eyes. Once its done you're going to enter into a place of No Dry Seasons. 

Monday Feb 22, 2016

Strength & Power Rhema-ites, this word is a must hear. Get ready to be fully calibrated in your decreeing and your asking and receiving. No more confusion on whether to decree a thing or ask for it. You'll never lose momentum again as pertaining to manifestation coming forth in your life. NOW GO GET IT !!!

Friday Feb 19, 2016

This is one of those messages that has preventative maintenance all over it. If you listen you will surely get the tune up you need under the rhema. NOW GO GET IT !!! 

Total Annihilation: 2/14/16

Sunday Feb 14, 2016

Sunday Feb 14, 2016

Today's message is a must hear! I'll let you decide the description. Leave your comments please and tell us what it did for you. But one thing I will say is that it's going to prepare you for absolute victory. NOW GO GET IT !!! 

Friday Feb 12, 2016

Bless you Rhema Family, today your getting another weapon! This word is going to truly bring an over hand right to the side of the devils head. If you get a hold of this you'll never see a dry season again. Listen in, and GO GET IT !!! 

Sunday Feb 07, 2016

This message is the eye opener that you've needed. It will prophetically show you who you are. There is so much power on us when we are in the rhema word. It's time for us to activate the knowledge that we have on the inside and bring it to the outside. NOW LET'S GO GET IT !!!

Friday Feb 05, 2016

It's time for us to realize that rhema is truly renovating us. There is a real change that's being made in us. We are going from fear to faith in a great way. Once a renovation takes place in your mind, your no longer the same. #yourtransformed and transformation gets instant manifestation. LET'S GO GET IT !!!

Sunday Jan 31, 2016

This word is a continuation from Thursday. It's going to bring you into total understanding on how not to grieve the Holy Spirit which causes stagnation in your breakthrough and blessing. This is going to thoroughly free and bless your soul. NOW GO GET IT !!!

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