True Gospel Ministries, Inc. Plantation, FL

Weekly podcast featuring God’s

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Thursday Dec 06, 2018

We have been learning about what it means to be grafted into Christ. In this particular teaching we learned about the worth of the ground.  The word ground in the hebrew means "husband." Now you know who is considered in the word to be our husband, that's right Jesus is our husband.  So when we are properly planted into Him He acts just like the Ground that produced all things according to Genesis chapter 1.  Now Listen in and LETS GO GET IT!!!

Sunday Oct 14, 2018

This message is going to reveal to you the worth of understanding Christ totality. Mark 4 reveals the truth of us being grafted into the family of God. With this knowledge your faith will soar like never before. SO LET'S GO GET IT !!!

Wednesday Jul 25, 2018

It's time for us to truly wake up and recognize who we really are. We aren't just a bunch of So called Christians walking the earth. We are truly the Bride of Christ. There is no closer relationship in the human existence. We are selling our selves short when it comes to our true position. So open those ears and open those eyes and get ready to fully discover your place in the Kingdom of God, so you can discover the power that you possess. NOW LETS GO GET IT!!!

Friday Jul 06, 2018

It's time for us to truly wake up and recognize who we really are.  We aren't just a bunch of So called Christians walking the earth.  We are truly the Bride of Christ.  There is no closer relationship in the human existence.  We are selling our selves short when it comes to our true position.  So open those ears and open those eyes and get ready to fully discover your place in the Kingdom of God, so you can discover the power that you possess.  NOW LETS GO GET IT!!!

Friday Jun 08, 2018

In this message we learn even further of how we benefited from Esther's approach to her king. It truly was a foreshadow of how we should be with Christ. Not only a foreshadow but it enabled us to live with Jesus from a standpoint of husband and wife. NOW LET'S GO GET IT !!!

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018

This message is really powerful. It is going to teach you how to truly approach Christ. So often we come to him like we aren’t family. We come to him in a place of reverence as him being King, but we forget that we are his queen and his bride. Esther’s approach unto her King shows us that we need the revelation of our status with Christ. We come too often in the wrong posture and that isn’t true faith. We need faith in him of course but we also need to have faith in who he’s made us to be. Now listen in and LET’S GO GET IT!!!

Tuesday May 01, 2018

This message is going to truly awaken a truth that needs to be awakened in us. Daddy God from the beginning has wanted a personal relationship with his people.  Unto us a child was born and it was unto us a son was given.  Key words "unto us" think about it Christ was our gift.  Gift giving is very personal. So now lets open our gift through the understanding of this word.  LETS GO GET IT!!!

Thursday Apr 12, 2018

Rhema is Truly the Bridge to all Personaliztion. The rhema word is the only way to really develop a Personal Relationship with Christ.  Think about it, when you were saved (born again) it was personal.  You probably cried like a baby all these feelings and emotions came rushing up and into you. Well that should have never changed! Rhema is the bridge to keep that feeling and tangible relationship with Him.  So listen in and get back to that place that you once knew!!! LETS GO GET IT!!!

Tuesday Apr 03, 2018

Okay here we go again, get ready for a ride in truth.  This rhema word about no personalization no grace is going to really open your eyes.  When we as a people take our place in a personal relationship with Chirst we will see grace like never before.  If we were saved by the gift of Grace it started out extremely personal.  He gave us a gift, not only a gift but the greatest gift in the history of mankind.  If its started personal it has to remain personal. Now get yourself comfortable, and LETS GO GET IT!!!

Thursday Mar 22, 2018

This message is a real eye opener.  We have been learning how to live in a very personal way with Christ.  The postures of the four beast or should I say the Characteristics of the four open doors of intimacy.  It is amazing that when you yield to these four how Christ shows up on the scene.  His way of doing things is perfected through these four Postures.  So in sayig that the two become one.  NOW LETS GO GET IT!! LISTEN IN... 

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